- Explaination about function compensatedParallax2() in VINS-Fusion
- To check whether frame is keyframe by checking whether the parallax between frame and frame is larger than certain threshold
- And it is keyframe, then marginalization_flag is MARGIN_OLD. Else MARGIN_SECOND_NEW 为了维持窗口大小,需要去除旧的帧添加新的帧,也就是边缘化 Marginalization。到底是删去最旧的帧(MARGIN_OLD)还是删去刚刚进来窗口倒数第二帧(MARGIN_SECOND_NEW),就需要对当前帧与之前帧进行视差比较,如果是当前帧变化很小,就会删去倒数第二帧,如果变化很大,就删去最旧的帧。
Second Last Frame & Last Frame
const FeaturePerFrame &frame_i = it_per_id.feature_per_frame[frame_count - 2 - it_per_id.start_frame];// 倒数第三帧
const FeaturePerFrame &frame_j = it_per_id.feature_per_frame[frame_count - 1 - it_per_id.start_frame];// 倒数第二帧
Feature point
Vector3d p_j = frame_j.point; double u_j = p_j(0); double v_j = p_j(1);
Vector3d p_i = frame_i.point;
double dep_i = p_i(2);
double u_i = p_i(0) / dep_i;
double v_i = p_i(1) / dep_i;
Calculate Parallax
double parallax = u_i - u_j, dv = v_i - v_j;