Given a matrix , all the linear combinations of the columns of form a Subspaces. This is the column space .

For example, if , the column space of is the plane through the origin in containing and .

Column space of and solving

Given a matrix , the system of linear equations is solvable exactly when is a vector in the column space of .

Nullspace of

The Nullspace* of a matrix is the collection to the equation

For example,

the Nullspace consists of all multiples of . This Nullspace is a line in .

Attention, a nullspace is a vector space because it obviously satisfies the requirements about addition and scale multiplication. That is to say that any sum or multiple of solutions of is also a solution: and .

Other values of

The solutions to the equation:

do not form a subspace. This conclusion is obvious since the zero vector is not a solution to the equation. Actually, the set of solutions forms a line in that pass through the points and , but not .